It's time to announce the winnnnnnnnnnner!

Thanks for the tremendous response and entries
that came busting in thru my email! :3
The winner is ...
...Elaine Nicolette
(expect my email in your mailbox VERY soon!)
Many of you have been asking me what sort of falsies do i use.
In terms of falsies design, i prefer fuller, more volume
BUT not over the top, and has to be natural looking.
i don't wanna look like i have a mop on my eyelids. -.-
Recently my favourite is this brand of falsies, Cosmos Natural Eyelashes.
You can get them from Far East 4th Level!
If i didnt remember wrongly 1 box with 5 pairs of falsies is around $15.90
Love Cosmos lashes, other than having very natural looking falsies,
their lashes last so long!
I used 1 pair AT LEAST 5 times, lol
1st: I love this lashes cos it's super natural when it's worn!
As you can see from the inner corner it's short... and longer and longer!
So it doesn't look fake and it's actually not very thick.

2nd: I been using this design for the longest time!
Afew of my colleagues love this design
and they said it's so natural and beautiful!

Sweet boyf tabao salmon don for me and fetch me home
from work the other day and i carried so much things!

Salmon Don, Miso Soup and Yakult.
Thanks baby! :3
Went DRINKING @ BARRACKS after work the other day
with my dear colleagues! I miss House, and my colleagues.
I'm currently working at the paragon branch and
the bloody place is so small and pathetic
i feel that i'm going to stop breathing ANYTIME.
So i tend to go out and walk walk more,

Jessie & iiiiiiii~
My darling doreen was in a terrible mood that day,
all the pictures i have of her, she's like sulking and frowning,
i think her frown between her eyes could possibly kill an ant.
She's mean to me but i love her!
The other time she and another colleague found a dead dragonfly
and i was like RUNNING AND SCREAMING when they came after me
with that bloody shit. then when i came back they act like nth happen
and after like 15minute i realize, that piece of shit...
is like right beside my dearest cosmetic pouch! NB!
Always like to prank me with dead insects! Horrible or not!
But i know she loves me alot, so.. ok lah forgiven. :3

So sweet know i love the mini chocolate danish and buns
so she bought some for me. Love you doreeeeeeen~

Hahahahas, Min the ghost.
Freak me out abit when i saw this pic. *pats chest*

This auntie is like freaking awesome,
the other day she came and accompany me for lunch break,
then came back to work with me & accompany me for 3 hours!!!
OMG! And that's like on her off day, nuts or what.
Love her!
Idiot lah, doreen, jessie and min ALL SMOKE.
So poor me is going to have a darn bloody lungs bcos of them!
Luckily doreeeeeeen brought her "PRINCESS FAN"
Wtf damn funny, it's just weird to see her pulling out cutesy items from her bag.
No offense dodo, but it's really weird.

Came home to find a huge SURPRISEEEEEEEEE~~
My dear beloved daniel huang went to Taiwan last month
and bought me back a whole carton of 红烧牛肉面!!!!

Oh gosh oh gosh, i feel like i'm back in taiwan when i eat it.
Love love love you to the max, Daniel. H.
I wanna go taiwan, nb missed the "bring a friend for free" jetstar sale
last night cos i was out for dinner with nad & esther! !@#$%^

Happy happy happy!
Gonna share with boyf, mummy and daaaaaaad~
Hahahas, today is like the i love everybody and all my friends post.
My left eye is swollen,
just saw the doctor to get anti-biotics and eyedrops yesterday.
the eye drops are gross! After using it my throat will have this bitter taste
and everything i eat and drink will have that bitter medicine taste!
And i have to use it every 4 hours. Slowly torturing me to deaaaaath.
Bth bitter stuff. And i'm not allowed to wear contacts either.
I do have degree, left 150 degree, right 200 degree.
How can i wear my nerdy specs to work! OMG FAINT.
My left eye is like teary 24/7, and it pisses me off.
I'm already so busy at work & i have to face the computer screen
all the time and everything is so BLUR cos i can't see that well,
i still have to wipe and wipe and make sure my hands
are not dirty so that it doesn't make it WORST. ARGH.
Ok, need to sleep and rest that teary eye.
Sayonara, nights everyone! :3
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